Range Request Form...
Club members who are Certified NRA Fireams Instructors please use the form below to request the use of the range facilities for your classes AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR. NOTE: All NRA Instructors MUST have their credentials on file with the Secretary in order to request/use the range.
All guests MUST sign the Hold Harmless form and submit to the RSO on duty.
Cost to use the range facilities is now $20 per student.
Request process:
- The NRA Instructor requests the use of the range.
- The club XO will receive an email & either approve or disapprove the request.
- If approved the NRA Instructor MUST print the the XO’s email and carry with them to the range on the day of training. NOTE: If the Instructor does not provide the approval email to the RSO on duty access to the range MAY BE DENIED.
- Upon completion of training the NRA Instuctor must mail a check covering the cost of the range & the XO’s approval email.
- Mailing address: EWSC P.O. Box 443 Broadbrook, CT 06016